Get Involved

Samaritan First Responders Society and its Crisis & Support Teams Rendering Aid & Support in the Aftermath of a Crisis or Disaster

The Samaritan First Responders Society (SFRS) is a nonprofit charitable organization that grants Humanitarian, Samaritan & First Responders the Prestigious’ SFRS AWARDS’ to those individuals who demonstrate their ” Samaritan Efforts” but also provides direct financial aid and additional support to First Responders, Samaritans, Veterans, the elderly and those individuals who rescue animals by “Showing a Samaritan Spirit.

The Samaritan First Responders Society refers to this nationwide community-based effort as the “Samaritan Movement”. The SFRS organization through its  notoriety and affiliations with qualified and experienced Active & Retired First responders, veterans and/or senior citizen as Volunteers form local “Crisis & Support Response Teams within their own communities in their State or territory.

The SFRS organization will not only gain additional recognition by its nationally televised Awards Show & Mass Social Media Platforms but will greatly improve community involvement and Membership which will establish a more compassionate society that includes those caring for the welfare of animals.

As with any nonprofit organization we will rely on memberships, donations, volunteers and sponsorships from a number of companies and other organizations.The SFRS and its Crisis & Support Response Team will not interfere with the local First Responder or other Emergency Service Units, but will act as an independent auxiliary emergency support unit to assistance in the aftermath of a local  crisis or disaster near or within their communities.

Most Importantly: The Samaritan First Responders Society strongly discourages ANY and ALL of its SFRS Members, Volunteers or Associates from putting themselves or anyone else ” In Harms Way”.

Each SFRS Member or Volunteer’s first responsibility is to phone the emergency 911 operator and give the Location, and a brief description of the emergency as it pertains to the situation. The SFRS Member or Volunteer notifies their  Crisis Team Leader and await his or her instructions before taken action and when possible await the arrival of experienced first responders or a Crisis Team Leader. The safety of everyone involved is paramount to the SFRS organization!

Each SFRS Supervisor – qualified and Experienced Expert will wear a saftey vest WHITE with Reflectors and the profession Example: SFRS SUPERVISOR
RED Vest for FIRE FIGHTER or EMT or Nurse or Doctor MD
GREEN Vest for General Contractor- Electrician, Plumber, Maintenace
YELLOW Vest for Regular Volunteers
ORANGE Vest Support Counselors


Don’t just watch. Be the difference.

Every day, ordinary people become heroes. They rush into danger, offer a helping hand, or simply be a beacon of hope in times of crisis. This movement celebrates the spirit of the Good Samaritan and the unwavering courage of First Responders- those who put others first, human or animal.

Are you ready to rise to the challenge?

We are a force for good, united by a common purpose: Helping those in need. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a medical emergency, or even a frightened animal trapped on a ledge or in a deplorable condition, we are the first line of support.

This movement is for YOU if:

  • Have you ever helped a stranger in need?
  • You admire the bravery of firefighters, EMTs, and Police Officers.
  • Military & Service Men and women who continue to serve Active or Retired.
  • Elderly Men and Women who continue to serve others
  • You believe in the Power of a Helping Hand.
  • You want to make a difference in your community- Big or Small.

Here’s how you can Get Involved:

  • Become a member, Volunteer or Donate to The Samaritan First Responders Society ( By State & City or Territory).
  • Get Trained: Learn CPR, first aid, or basic animal rescue techniques or attend an Emergency Management Course at your local Fire department, or community college, get instructions from your local animal shelter, or your SFRS community emergency response team.
  • Be Prepared: Assemble a disaster kit and know your evacuation plan.
  • Spread Awareness: Share stories of everyday heroes and encourage others to get involved.
  • Volunteer & Donate: Show Support for organizations like The Samaritan First Responders Society, which provides financial support directly to those first responders & their families, as well as, those who care for the welfare of both Humans and animals in distress.

Together, We can create a world where everyone feels safe, supported, and empowered to act.

Join the Movement. Be the First.

#Good Samaritan #First Responders # Be The Difference # Get Involved